You may be a pastor aware of a greater need for training, you may be a friend or family member of a loved one who is struggling with sexual or relational brokenness. Perhaps you're a man or woman looking for your own support. Transforming Congregations is here to serve the United Methodist Church as well as the Global Methodist Church.
We’re also blessed to be aware of other ministries offering solid resources. We want you to know them too.
If you’re concerned about what’s happening in the American Church as well as Christian culture around the issues of sexuality, if you want to become equipped to do something about it… and if you think that it’s more important to reach out in love than to simply make statements, you’ve come to the right place. We want to help you make a difference – in your own life, in your local congregation and in the worldwide Christian Church. God’s grace is so amazing and so powerful that we don’t have to be defined or ruled by deeply rooted sexual sin or relational brokenness. As you look through our website know that we would love to encourage and help your church begin to live out that truth in love.
Watching for a Prodigal's Return...
Watching a loved one travel a destructive path is hard. In the story Jesus told about the son who set off for a distant land squandering his inheritance, we find a grieving father waiting for his return. We know he watches because Jesus paints the picture with these words (Luke 15:20, NIV), "But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him."
Like that father, families in the Waiting Room scan the horizon to catch a glimpse of their loved one's return; asking God to help them find their way home. While they hold on, God has a place for families to gather, to pray for one another, and offer words of hope and encouragement from His Word. Here they learn to to rely on His strength for their journey.
Waiting Room Ministry hopes you don't wait alone. Join us.
Desert Stream/Living Waters Ministries provides help for Christians struggling with sexual and relational problems. Our help is based on the biblical foundation of compassion, integrity, and dependence on God. We
seek to convey Jesus, “full of grace and truth,” (John 1:14) to broken ones seeking mercy. Through many years of serving the church through healing ministry, we at Desert Stream/Living Waters are more convinced than ever that Jesus Christ is the answer to broken humanity. May we continue to impart His healing, equip Christians, and proclaim His transforming love to all who have ears to hear!
Hormones, surgery, regret: I was a transgender woman for 8 years. My name is Walt Heyer and in April of 1983 I had gender reassignment surgery. At first I was giddy for the fresh start. But hormones and sex change genital surgery couldn’t solve the underlying issues driving my gender dysphoria. I detransitioned more than 25 years ago. I learned the truth: Hormones and surgery may alter appearances, but nothing changes the immutable fact of your sex. I met a wonderful woman who didn’t care about the changes to my body, and we’ve been married for over 20 years. Now we help others whose lives have been derailed by sex change.
Restored Hope is a membership governed, inter-denominational network dedicated to restoring hope to those broken by sexual and relational sin, especially those impacted by homosexuality. We proclaim that Jesus Christ has life-changing power for all who submit to Christ as Lord; we also seek to equip His church to impart that transformation. Restored Hope Network is a
coalition of ministries serving those who desire to overcome sinful relational and sexual issues in their lives and those impacted by homosexuality. Restored Hope works alongside the body of Christ, the Church, and to connect those seeking help with local member ministries and other resources that are available, as well as support, equip and connect the local member ministries.
Living Stones Ministries/Help 4 Families is a non-profit, Christ-centered, non-denominational organization dedicated to helping families with issues of homosexuality and transgenderism. Living Stones Ministries is part of a network of ministries around the world–“Proclaiming, educating, and impacting the world with the Biblical truth that freedom from homosexuality is possible when Jesus is Lord of one’s life.” Living Stones Ministries takes its name from the Bible verse in I Peter 2:4-5: “As you come to Him, the living Stone—rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to Him—you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.”
We Help Men Outgrow Pornography.
Change your brain,
heal your heart,
and save your
We believe porn is a pacifier.
We're here to help you outgrow it.
Pure Desire exists to provide hope and freedom from sexual addiction by educating and equipping church leaders in the development of a healing ministry. Through small group resources for men, women, and teens, on-site or online counseling, training events, and ministry partnerships, Pure Desire is leading the way in the battle for integrity and purity in the church. Pure Desire Ministries International began in the local church, as Dr. Ted and Diane Roberts, the founders, recognized the pervasiveness of sexual struggle in the church. The pat answers of the past only gave men and women a message of “try harder” which kept them isolated in their sin and shame. Over the course of two decades, they developed a strategy that is Biblically-based, clinically informed, and highly successful at creating lasting change. In 2007, Pure Desire became an independent 501c3 aimed at helping the church body across the country and around the world.
Restoring Wholeness Ministries is a cross cultural, inter denominational counseling, support group and leadership training ministry aimed at addressing relational and sexual issues. We are built on the Gospel of Jesus Christ, The Ultimate Restorer of people. Our vision is to equip the Church to take the message of reconciliation, restoration, and redemption to those who seek healing through Jesus Christ from relational and sexual brokenness. We offer a comprehensive “LIFE Matters Leadership Equipping Course” to pastors, pastoral care workers, youth leaders, church counselors and lay workers.
Samson guys are traveling-companions on a great spiritual adventure, not grim pilgrims on a death march to personal holiness. We challenge each other daily to believe the incredible news that God actually knows us, loves us, and has restored us to himself. As we follow Christ together, we find our lives progressively interrupted by righteousness, peace and joy.
We are not a church. We are simply one extension of the church universal.
We are not an “accountability group.” Instead of living our lives separately and reporting (or lying) about our progress, we try to live our lives together.
We are not a “men’s group.” Okay, so there are no women, but that doesn’t make us a men’s group, does it? Please. Most of us have had it up to here with men’s groups.
We are not a 12-step group. Many of us attend 12-step groups and are grateful for them, but our addictions do not define us, and we do not segregate our membership by behavior.
We are not perfect. Not even close. We are broken individuals, but in our fractured fellowship we find a foretaste of God’s approaching re-creation.
SheRecovery exists to provide women with help, hope, and healing from pornography and sexual addiction through safe, confidential online community and access to unique recovery resources. Formerly Dirty Girls Ministries founded by Crystal Renaud Day in February of 2009, SheRecovery has streamlined into a place where women can find fellowship and support from other women all across the world. SheRecovery is now a division of Crystal’s counseling organization, Living on Purpose. At Living on Purpose, Crystal personally offers coaching and pastoral counseling services to women, couples, and teen girls facing an assortment of life events and circumstances (not just addiction).
Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX) is a national non-profit organization committed to helping ex-gays and parents and friends of gays who want help, hope and community.
PFOX exists to educate, support, and advocate for individuals and parents on the issue of same-sex attraction, and increase others’ understanding and acceptance of the ex-gay community.
We believe that every person seeking positive life change needs and deserves the love and support of family, friends, the community, and the church. That’s why we offer a place for help, a place for truth, and a place for the ex-gay to participate in the conversation about same-sex attraction.
Founded in May 1998, PFOX was created specifically to be an alternative to the misinformed gay family groups which insist that parents can only prove their love for their gay child if they support gay rights and affirm their child’s self-proclaimed gay identity. PFOX teaches parents that it’s ok to love their children without placing any conditions on that love.
A few years ago Ken and Elizabeth, with our friend Rodger, began meeting together over coffee to share how God encountered us—it wasn’t long before we realized our experiences were relevant and spoke directly to the needs many people face. So, we resolved to establish a resource for people longing to
understand homosexuality better and find resolution, and Equipped to Love was born. Ken and Elizabeth followed the Lord into sexual wholeness and today cast vision to countless others seeking God’s heart for their sexual identities. Drawing upon their combined experiences of walking away from homosexuality, they offer understanding of the issue that opens doors for compassion and understanding.
Transformation happens. Linda Seiler once had plans to have sex reassignment surgery, change her name to David, and live happily ever after. But God. Linda’s life and message are a testament to the power of Jesus to change everything.
Freedom from impurity can be a reality in the life of anyone who will apply biblical principles. Far more than explaining how we become enslaved to impurity, or revealing the addiction process, the purpose of this book is to bring true freedom to captives. The biblical teachings presented here have been used in the lives of many in setting them free from bondage.
This workbook is designed for either individual use with an accountability partner, or as a small group study.
The story of Be Broken Ministries began with the story of Jonathan & Elaine Daugherty. Their personal journey through the devastation of sexual addiction and brokenness led to the formation of the ministry. As healing began, first for Jonathan, and later for Elaine, they started to realize just how prevalent sexual brokenness was for families nationwide. Not wanting their healing to be in vain, they decided to begin reaching out to other men and their families who could benefit from the principles they learned on the journey to freedom and restoration. The road was difficult and painful, but the results have been worth every step. And it will be worth it for your family too...We want you to know Jonathan & Elaine's stories so you may know that "with God all things are possible." Follow the links below to learn more about the journey they have taken to find freedom, peace, and joy.
Confidential phone call or online meeting
We are here to help you. You can send us a general message on the contact form to the right, or if you would like to schedule a free, private and confidential phone call or online meeting with Garry Ingraham, please click here